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Still Working Behind the Scenes

Mid East Peace Treaty starts Final 7 years     Dan 9:27,
    - Shared Temple Mount.                            Rev 11:1-2
    - Est. Palestinian State                              Matt 24:15-21

--First 3.5 Years--                                        --Final 3.5 Years--

World Government Forming - Daniel 7:4-7, Rev 13:1-3
World Religion Forming                   - Rev 13:11-12
Mark of the Beast System forming?  - Rev 13:16-17
Sharing of Temple Mount                -  Rev 11:1-2
Animal Sacrifices Resumed              -  Dan 11:31


AntiChrist Revealed                           -  2 Thess 2:3-4, Rev 13:7,
                                                              - Dan 7:23, Dan 11:32-33
False Prophet Supports AntiChrist   - Rev 13:11-12
Sacrifices stopped                                - Dan 9:27
Great Tribulation                                
Matt 24:15-18,21
Two Witnesses Begin their Ministry  - Rev 11:3, 7-12
AntiChrist’s 10 Nation Kingdom        - Dan 2:44, 7:8,
                                                              - Rev 17:12-14    
Mark of the Beast Implementation    - Rev 13:16-18


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